10/3/2012 first real avalanche of the season this week, a small 25m wide and 200m long number. Spring is definately here changing the snow pack and bringing wet heavy snow. The new snow skis well and Tom and I have been having a great time in it but the fact that it has fallen on a crusty wind blown surface means that instability will be a huge problem over the enxt few days. The pistes are skiing amazingly well and slowly slowly the lift queues are dieing down. March seems to have become a second holiday month with loads of apartment owners and regulars in town for 4 or 5 day mini breaks. It’s great to see so many faces about town that have been coming here for years! Still snowing now and more on the way, looks like 2011/2012 is goning to go down in history as an amazing year!
20/03/2012 Some pretty special firsts for The Polak, Joanna and I yesterday. Skiing the NE face of Todorka (the one you can see from the Plato lift). Joanna started what looked like a small spring avalanche on her second turn. After about 10m it knocked her off her feet and started to accelerate picking up more snow and power as it went. After 100m the whole F-ing lot went over a 12m cliff with Joanna on top, we lost sight of her for maximum 2 seconds but it felt longer. After the cliff it spat Joanna out and carried on for another 100m. Other than a graze on her knee and some stress Joanna was o.k. The Polak and I had a pretty good run down after her, finding some good lines here and there but to be honest the fun was some what taken out of the whole affair! So a first run for the Polak and I and Joanna’s first avalanche